Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Tree Service Woodside NC 28443

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Professional Tree Service
licensed insured
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service Woodside NCProfessional Tree Service LLC

Trees are an essential part of your landscape. They provide shade, beauty, and even some fruits and nuts. But trees can also be a liability. If they are not properly cared for, they can become dangerous. That’s where Professional Tree Service LLC comes in.

Professional Tree Service LLC can provide a variety of services, including:

  • Tree trimming
  • Tree removal
  • Tree cabling
  • Tree cutting

Tree trimming 

Tree trimming is a necessary part of tree care. It helps to keep trees healthy and safe. Trimming can also improve the appearance of trees.

There are two main types of tree trimming in Woodside NC:

  • Formative trimming: This type of trimming is done to shape the tree. It is often done on young trees.
  • Maintenance trimming: This type of trimming is done to remove dead, diseased, or damaged branches. It is often done on mature trees.

Tree Removal

Tree removal is sometimes necessary when a tree is dead, diseased, or damaged. It can also be necessary when a tree is in a dangerous location.

There are two main methods of tree removal in Woodside NC:

  • Climbing: This method is used for smaller trees. The arborist climbs the tree and removes the branches one at a time.
  • Crane: This method is used for larger trees. The arborist uses a crane to remove the tree in sections.

Tree Cabling

Tree cabling is a method of stabilizing trees. It is often used on trees that are in windy areas.

Tree cabling involves attaching cables to the tree. The cables help to keep the tree from swaying in the wind.

There are many reasons to choose Professional Tree Service LLC in Woodside NC:

  • We are licensed and insured.
  • We have experience and expertise.

Professional Tree Service LLC can provide a variety of services, including tree trimming, tree removal, tree cabling, tree cutting in the Woodside NC area. Contact Professional Tree Service LLC at (910) 226-1543 for a free estimate.

Woodside is a census-designated place (CDP) in Wake County, North Carolina, United States. It is located in the northern part of the county, about 10 miles west of Raleigh. The population was 11,316 at the 2020 census.


The racial makeup of Woodside was:

  • White: 76.07%
  • Black or African American: 11.52%
  • Two or more races: 5.73%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.35%
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0%
  • Asian: 4.94%

The Hispanic or Latino population of Woodside was 2.4%.

The median age in Woodside was 37.1 years. 19.7% of the population was under the age of 18, 7.3% was between the ages of 18 and 24, 24.6% was between the ages of 25 and 44, 25.8% was between the ages of 45 and 64, and 22.6% was 65 years of age or older.

The median household income in Woodside was $77,055. 6.5% of the population lived below the poverty line.


Woodside is served by the Wake County Public School System. There are two elementary schools in Woodside. Students in grades six through twelve attend Millbrook High School in Cary.


The economy of Woodside is based primarily on technology, healthcare, and retail. The town is home to a number of technology companies, as well as a few hospitals and medical centers. Woodside is also home to a number of retail stores and restaurants.

Many residents of Woodside commute to jobs in Raleigh or other nearby cities.


Woodside is served by Interstate 40 and U.S. Route 1. There is no public transportation in Woodside.


Woodside has a small but active community. The town has a library, a community center, and several parks. There are also a few churches in the area.

The town hosts a few events throughout the year, such as a Fourth of July celebration and a Christmas parade.


The future of Woodside is bright. The town is growing rapidly, and the economy is strong. The town is also working to improve its infrastructure, such as its roads and parks.

The future of Woodside depends on its ability to continue to attract residents and businesses. If the town is successful, it could continue to be a vibrant and growing community for many years to come.

Here are some additional details about the demographics of Woodside:

  • The population of Woodside is relatively young. The median age of 37.1 years is below the national median of 38.2 years.
  • The population of Woodside is also relatively affluent. The median household income of $77,055 is above the national median of $67,521.
  • The racial makeup of Woodside is predominantly white. Whites make up 76.07% of the population, followed by blacks (11.52%).
  • The Hispanic or Latino population of Woodside is small. Hispanics and Latinos make up 2.4% of the population.

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Service Woodside NC 28443
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
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Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
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Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Trimming Woodside NC 28443
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Care Woodside NC 28443
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Service Company Woodside NC 28443

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543