Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Tree Service Fort Caswell NC 28465

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Professional Tree Service
licensed insured
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service Fort Caswell NCProfessional Tree Service LLC

Trees are an essential part of our environment, providing shade, beauty, and a sense of peace. But trees can also be dangerous, especially if they are dead, diseased, or damaged. That’s where a tree service company comes in.

Professional Tree Service LLC can provide a variety of services to keep your trees healthy and safe. These services include:

  • Tree trimming
  • Tree removal
  • Tree cabling and bracing
  • Tree planting

Why Choose a Professional Tree Service LLC in Fort Caswell NC area?

There are many reasons to choose a Professional Tree Service LLC in the Fort Caswell NC area. Here are just a few:

  • Safety: Tree work can be dangerous, so it’s important to hire a qualified and experienced company.
  • Expertise: Tree service companies have the knowledge and skills to handle all types of tree work safely and effectively.
  • Equipment: Professional Tree Service LLC has the specialized equipment needed to get the job done right.
  • Insurance: Tree service companies are typically insured, which protects you in case of damage.

If you have any trees that need to be trimmed, removed, or otherwise cared for, contact Professional Tree Service LLC in Fort Caswell NC area today at (910) 226-1543. You’ll be glad you did.

Trees are an important part of our environment, and it’s important to keep them healthy and safe. Professional Tree Service LLC can provide a variety of services to help you with your trees. If you’re looking for a tree service company in Fort Caswell NC, be sure to contact Professional Tree Service LLC.

Fort Caswell is a historic fort located on Oak Island in Brunswick County, North Carolina. It was built in the 1830s to defend the mouth of the Cape Fear River from attack. The fort was used during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. It is now owned by the North Carolina Baptist Assembly and is used as a religious retreat and conference center.

The demographics of Fort Caswell are diverse. The population is made up of both permanent residents and visitors. The permanent residents are mostly white and retired. The visitors are a mix of white, black, and Hispanic people. The majority of the visitors are families and vacationers.

The median age of the permanent residents is 65 years old. The median age of the visitors is 35 years old. The median household income of the permanent residents is $74,219. The median household income of the visitors is $60,000.

The education level of the permanent residents is high. Over 75% of the permanent residents have a college degree. The education level of the visitors is lower. About 50% of the visitors have a college degree.

The employment of the permanent residents is mostly in the service industry. About 50% of the permanent residents work in the tourism industry. The employment of the visitors is more diverse. About 30% of the visitors work in the tourism industry, 20% work in the service industry, and 10% work in the construction industry.

The housing in Fort Caswell is mostly single-family homes. There are also a few condominiums and apartments. The housing prices are relatively high. The median home price in Fort Caswell is $500,000.

The crime rate in Fort Caswell is low. The violent crime rate is about half the national average. The property crime rate is about the same as the national average.

The quality of life in Fort Caswell is high. The town is located on a beautiful barrier island with miles of beaches. There are also many restaurants, shops, and activities in the area. The cost of living is relatively low.

The demographics of Fort Caswell are expected to change in the coming years. The population is expected to grow as more people retire to the area. The education level is also expected to increase as more people move to the area for jobs in the tourism industry. The housing prices are expected to remain high as the demand for housing in the area increases. The crime rate is expected to remain low as the town continues to grow and develop. The quality of life in Fort Caswell is expected to remain high as the town becomes a more popular destination for retirees and tourists.

Here are some additional facts about the demographics of Fort Caswell:

  • The population of Fort Caswell is about 395 people.
  • The racial makeup of the population is 98.9% white, 0.7% black, and 0.4% other.
  • The median age of the population is 63 years old.
  • The median household income is $74,219.
  • The education level of the population is high, with over 75% of adults having a college degree.
  • The employment of the population is mostly in the service industry, with about 50% of adults working in the tourism industry.
  • The housing in Fort Caswell is mostly single-family homes, with a median home price of $500,000.
  • The crime rate in Fort Caswell is low, with a violent crime rate about half the national average and a property crime rate about the same as the national average.
  • The quality of life in Fort Caswell is high, with the town being located on a beautiful barrier island with miles of beaches, many restaurants, shops, and activities, and a relatively low cost of living.

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Service Fort Caswell NC 28465
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Removal Fort Caswell NC 28465
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Cutting Fort Caswell NC 28465
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Trimming Fort Caswell NC 28465
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Care Fort Caswell NC 28465
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Service Company Fort Caswell NC 28465

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543