Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Tree Service Bolton NC 28423

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Professional Tree Service
licensed insured
Free Estimates
Locally Owned Company

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service Bolton NCProfessional Tree Service LLC

Do you have trees on your property that need care? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Professional Tree Service LLC offers a wide range of tree care services, including:

  • Tree trimming and pruning.
  • Tree removal.
  • Tree cabling and bracing.
  • Tree cutting

Professional Tree Service LLC is fully insured and licensed, and we have been providing quality tree care services in Bolton NC for many years. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service, and we always go the extra mile to make sure that your trees are healthy and safe.

Tree Trimming and Pruning in Bolton NC area 

Tree trimming and pruning is an important part of tree care. It helps to keep your trees healthy and safe, and it can also improve their appearance. We offer a variety of tree trimming and pruning services, including:

  • Crown thinning: This involves removing some of the branches from the top of the tree to improve air circulation and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Crown raising: This involves raising the height of the tree’s crown to improve visibility or to allow for more sunlight to reach the ground.
  • Deadwood removal: This involves removing dead, diseased, or damaged branches from the tree.
  • Hedge trimming: This involves trimming hedges to maintain their shape and size.

Tree Removal in Bolton NC area

Sometimes, trees need to be removed. This may be necessary if a tree is dead, diseased, or damaged, or if it is posing a hazard to your property or your neighbors’ property. 

Tree Cabling and Bracing in Bolton NC area

If a tree is leaning or has been damaged in a storm, it may need to be cabled or braced to prevent it from falling. We offer tree cabling and bracing services to keep your trees safe and secure.

Professional Tree Service LLC is committed to providing our customers with the best possible tree care services. We are fully insured and licensed, and we have been providing quality tree care services in Bolton NC area for many years. We always go the extra mile to make sure that your trees are healthy and safe.

If you have any trees on your property that need care, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (910) 226-1543. We would be happy to help you keep your trees healthy and safe.

Additional Information:

  • We offer free estimates for all our tree care services.
  • We are a family-owned and operated business.

Thank you for your interest in our tree care services. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Bolton is a town in Columbus County, North Carolina. As of the 2020 census, the town had a population of 508 people. Bolton is a relatively small town, with a median age of 36.3 years. The racial makeup of the town is 47.3% Black or African American, 22.5% White, 20.4% Two or More Races, 8.87% Hispanic or Latino, and 0.563% American Indian or Alaska Native. The median household income in Bolton is $42,333.


The population of Bolton has been growing steadily over the past few decades. In 1990, the town had a population of just 348 people. By 2000, the population had grown to 423 people. And by 2020, the population had reached 508 people.

The growth of Bolton is due in part to its proximity to the city of Whiteville. Many people who work in Whiteville have chosen to live in Bolton because of its affordable housing and its close proximity to the city.

Race and Ethnicity

The racial makeup of Bolton is 47.3% Black or African American, 22.5% White, 20.4% Two or More Races, 8.87% Hispanic or Latino, and 0.563% American Indian or Alaska Native. The town is also home to a small number of people who identify as Asian.

The Black or African American population of Bolton is the largest racial group in the town. The White population is the second largest racial group in the town. The Two or More Races population is the third largest racial group in the town. The Hispanic or Latino population is the fourth largest racial group in the town. The American Indian or Alaska Native population is the smallest racial group in the town.


Bolton is a relatively young town. The median age of the town is 36.3 years. The town has a younger population than the state of North Carolina as a whole, which has a median age of 42.2 years.

The young population of Bolton is due in part to its proximity to the city of Whiteville. Many young people who work in Whiteville have chosen to live in Bolton because of its affordable housing and its close proximity to the city.


The median household income in Bolton is $42,333. This is lower than the median household income for the state of North Carolina, which is $67,003.

The lower income levels in Bolton are due in part to the town’s location in a rural area. The cost of living in rural areas is typically lower than in urban areas, which can help to offset the lower income levels.


The educational attainment levels in Bolton are lower than the state average. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 82.6% of adults in Bolton have a high school diploma or higher. This is compared to the state average of 87.5%.

The lower educational attainment levels in Bolton are due in part to the town’s location in a rural area. Many people who live in Bolton did not have the opportunity to attend college, which can contribute to the town’s overall lower educational attainment levels.


Bolton is a small town with a growing population. The town is home to a diverse population, with a large Black or African American majority. The town also has a relatively young population and lower income levels. Bolton is a desirable place to live, thanks to its affordable housing and its close proximity to the city of Whiteville.

Additional Information

In addition to the information presented above, here are some additional demographic facts about Bolton, NC:

  • The gender makeup of the town is 48.9% female and 51.1% male.
  • The homeownership rate in Bolton is 72.3%.
  • The unemployment rate in Bolton is 4.9%.
  • The crime rate in Bolton is lower than the state average.

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Service Bolton NC 28423
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Removal Bolton NC 28423
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Cutting Bolton NC 28423
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Trimming Bolton NC 28423
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal, Tree Pruning, Tree Clearing & Tree Mulching
Tree Care Bolton NC 28423
Tree Service, Tree Trimming, Tree Removal
Tree Service Company Bolton NC 28423

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Up to $100 Off Tree Service

Free Estimate (910) 226-1543